
Made with boredom, VERTWARE is a site made by a 22yo boi from the archipelago. Inspired by my old PS2 console and the Neocities' creative community.(Seriously, you are all so colorful) This really inspires me to learn more of the web. The site will also always be a work-in-progress, how it looks may change.

Whats with the shapes?

If you used to play on the PS2, you'll know about the strange but comforting ambiance and the dancing shapes on its user interface. I used to listen at them moan electronic sounds, It was almost like my console is sentient.

What should I find on this site?

Nothing specific, I honestly do not have any plans here aside from updating it from time to time, filling it with stories or getting a response from other people. I believe having wonderful friends is a luxury you cannot purchase. Maybe I can find new ones here, make my world feel a little bigger.

What else?

This might be a space where I can practice some of writing. Someone told me that this could help a restless mind, I will take that advice and apply it here! Although there is something strange about writing in a virtual void-- thats why if you ever find this place, I hope u enjoy and leave a mark.